Mind-altering Interactive Entertainment


The latest happenings at Dave Brake Creations

An Update from DBC


Hey all! It’s been a while!

I apologize for the lack of updates. When I started DBC back in 2018 it was a full-time venture. Unfortunately, it wasn’t feasible as a primary source of income. Last November I accepted a software developer position at an amazing company in Edmonton and game development shifted to be a part-time endeavor.

I haven’t had as much time to spend on my projects as I would like, so at the moment there are no commercial releases on the horizon. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you may have seen clips of Upwards, a competitive 4 player platformer I’ve been developing. I still plan to release this game but it is early in the development cycle and the release date is TBD.

I missed out on Ludum Dare 46 as I was preparing for the new job but I plan on participating in Ludum Dare 47 on October 2. If all goes well there should be a new jam game for you to play here in a couple of weeks!

I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy through this pandemic! Thanks for the support!
